CoffeologenAusbildung "Craftsman"
2.900,00 €*
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Tag 2, Dienstag: KaffeeTaxonomie
Tag 3, Mittwoch: KaffeeProvenienzen
Tag 4, Donnerstag: KaffeeSensorik
Tag 5, Freitag: CupTasting
Tag 6, Samstag: KaffeeAromen
Tag 7, Montag: KaffeeZubereitung
Tag 8, Dienstag: Espresso
Tag 9, Mittwoch: LatteArtGießen
Tag 10, Donnerstag: KaffeeGetränke
Tag 11, Freitag: KaffeebarGrundlagen
Tag 12, Samstag: RöstGrundlagen
September 7, 2022 18:34
Complete coffee knowledge
The Coffeologist education provided me with a worldwide all around coffee knowledge, it provides all the critical information on every step of the supply chain, always maintaining respect for diverse opinions from different cultures that have anything to do with coffee. In the education program I met roasters, farmers, investigators, coffeeshop owners, also from different countries. It also encouraged me to do my own research about coffee in my field which is everything from farming to roasting.
December 23, 2020 07:04
The Most Comprehensive Coffee Education Program
The Coffeologist Education by Coffee Consulate is the most scientific based among all the coffee education in the coffee industry. This education is complete with the full range of knowledge not just from crop to cup, it also focuses more on the humanity aspects behind the whole coffee industry. It encourages a coffee person to be aware of the scientific factors of coffee before mastering the skill of making a good cup of coffee. This could also enhance the skill for a coffee person to always keep up with their ‘to know’ interest.