Coffee Symposium 2021
Coffee Symposium 2021
On the occasion of INTERGASTRA digital, coffee experts from all over the world will come together at the first virtual CoffeeSymposium in order to inform about innovations for the industry. The initiator of the industry meeting is Dr. Steffen Schwarz of Coffee Consulate, who enjoys a worldwide reputation as a coffee luminary.
Coffee byproducts in non-food applications
March 08, 2021
Two steps forward, one step back - Coffee byproducts within EU novel food regulations
11.00 - 11.30 Uhr
Two steps forward, one step back - Coffee byproducts within EU novel food regulations
Coffee byproducts have entered the stage of sustainable agriculture in coffee production. Coffee farmers can earn significant additional income from the coffee byproducts business, which offers them long-term prospects. But the EU market is closed as coffee by-products need approval under the EU novel food regulation.
Dr. Dirk W. Lachenmeier, CVUA Karlsruhe, Deutschland
Coffee leaf tea, the rebirth of a traditional coffee drink
11.30 - 12.00 Uhr
Coffee leaf tea, the rebirth of a traditional coffee drink
"If this is tea, bring me coffee, if this is coffee, bring me tea" Sir Winston Churchill commented on his tea in France. That wouldn't have happened with coffee leaf tea - it combines the best of both worlds. Caffeine like in coffee, only without kick with long-term effect.
Dr. Jörg Rieke-Zapp, Coffee Consulate, Germany
Cascara - Separating the wheat from the chaff
12.00 - 12.30 Uhr
Cascara - Separating the wheat from the chaff
Cascara - the best-known hope among coffee by-products, the drink made from the coffee cherry. Be it as tea, as lemonade or brewed lambic-style as beer. Unfortunately, the coffee cherry is still not approved under the rules of the EU Novel Food Regulation.
Ennio Cantergiani, Success Food, Switzerland
Coffee byproducts in non-food applications
12.30 - 13.00 Uhr
Coffee byproducts in non-food applications
Coffee by-products are suitable for applications far beyond food and beverage for the production of biopolymers, cellulose and paper products, extraction of natural fibers, insulation materials and much more.
Dr. Mirko Rennert, Founder, Twins Crew GmbH
Growing conditions in view of the challenges posed by climate change and the loss of biodiversity
March 09, 2021
Protecting biodiversity through collection of coffee species and varieties
11.00 - 11.30 Uhr
Protecting biodiversity through collection of coffee species and varieties
Climate change and zoonoses are no longer something that can be explained away. This makes it all the more important to preserve biodiversity and also old cultivated plants so as not to lose entire markets in the event of an epidemic among plants. With the "International Conservation Collection of Coffee Varieties", Wilhelma is creating a basis for the conservation of a wide range of coffee varieties.
Dr. Björn Schäfer, Botanischer Garten Wilhelma, Deutschland
Why it is so important to grow diverse coffee varieties and use different coffee processing
11.30 - 12.00 Uhr
Why it is so important to grow diverse coffee varieties and use different coffee processing
As a 5th generation coffee farmer, Tomas Bruno Edelmann Toriello can look back on an eventful family and coffee history of over 125 years. The specialty coffee farmer from southern Mexico explains why it is now important for him to offer a wide range of coffee varieties and processing styles and to focus on direct trade.
Tomas Bruno Edelmann Toriello, Finca Hamburgo, Mexico
Real sustainable farming - Farming in tune with nature
12.00 - 12.30 Uhr
Real sustainable farming - Farming in tune with nature
Trees and natural cultivation are not only beautiful, but quite important in order to survive as a coffee farmer in the environment of changes taking place due to climate change. Andrés explains how much trees and biodiversity affect today's coffee cultivation and the resulting coffee qualities. Quintanilla Bellucci, Kaffeefarmer in der 4. Generation aus El Salvador.
Andrès Quintanilla Bellucci, Finca La Buena Esperanza, El Salvador
Kaffee ist der neue Wein - Wertschätzung für Kaffee. Wer den Kaffee nicht ehrt, ist den Umsatz nicht wert.
12.30 - 13.00 Uhr
Coffee is the new wine - appreciation for coffee. Those who do not honor coffee are not worth the sales.
"Not everything that is warm and brown is coffee!" Through Corona, consumers have been able to sharpen their senses and taste buds, try, compare and consider. This will now collapse on the restaurant industry, which can no longer justify and achieve the high prices for coffee beverages without a comprehensibly justified taste experience in the cup. Coffee needs appreciation and staging - coffee is becoming the new wine.
Dr. Steffen Schwarz, Coffee Consulate, Deutschland
March 09, 2021
Following the lecture, an online cuptasting (13:15 - 14:30) with tasting of six different parcel coffees can be booked. The online cuptasting will be conducted by Dr. Steffen Schwarz.
Coffee Overview, each 40g
1. SLN274/Old Paradenia, pulped natural (Badra Estates, Indien) S795, fully washed (Badra Estates, Indien)
2. Mundo novo amarelo, pulped natural (Fazendas Dutra, Brasilien)
3. Bourbon Tekisic, fully washed (Finca La Buena Esperanza, El Salvador)
4. Sarchimor, fully washed (Finca Hamburgo, Mexiko)
5. Catuai rojo, natural (Finca Hamburgo, Mexiko)
+ Coffeeleaf tea
Coffee consumption and the changes brought about by the pandemic in terms of consumption patterns.
March 10, 2021
(Home) Office coffee solutions - the overseen market
11.00 - 11.30 Uhr
(Home) Office coffee solutions - the overseen market
The coffee market has changed. Around half of the coffee consumed in Germany is drunk at home, while around a quarter of it was consumed in offices and companies before the pandemic. Home offices and changing work practices have led to massive changes in the coffee market, Dr. Aris Kaschefi paints a picture of the situation.
Dr. Aris Kaschefi, Geschäftsführer Bundesverband der Deutschen Vending-Automatenwirtschaft e.V., Deutschland
„We´ll brew again“
11.30 – 12.00 Uhr
"We'll brew again" - How sales at "panpan Brotmanufaktur Kraus GmbH" have changed or shifted over the lockdown.
Bakeries have discovered coffee for themselves and generate a large share of revenue from the sale of coffee drinks, which they sell with snacks. Meanwhile, bakers have also become outlets for selling coffee beans if the quality is right and they are special coffee beans that are not readily available everywhere.
Raphael Kraus, Geschäftsführer PanPan Brotmanufaktur Kraus GmbH, Wiehl
Coffee technology - the new demands
12.30 – 13.30 Uhr
Coffee technology - the new demands
How manufacturers reacted upon corona with regards to technology.
Marko Bachmann (Eversys S.A.), Ulli Ehlers (Marco Beverage Systems Ltd.)
How we drink coffee today - a market analysis pre and post corona
13.30 – 14.00 Uhr, Bühne 3
How we drink coffee today - a market analysis pre and post corona
Market researcher Mariano Peluso looks at the market and consumption changes in Europe as a result of the pandemic. Many small changes, as well as dramatic upheavals, paint the picture of a new coffee market to which all market participants must readjust. The cards are being reshuffled.
Mariano Peluso , Research Manager, COFFEEBI